The Astrology of 2024: Opening of new Horizons

The Astrology of 2024: Opening of new Horizons

“The Azure Dragon”
by Gery Mews

In astrology we study the cycles of the three slow-moving outer planets -also described as the transpersonal planets – as the key markers of our collective experience through history. These outer planets have long orbits: Pluto 246 years, Neptune 165 years and Uranus 84 years. They all are changing signs during 2023/4-2026 moving the elemental emphasis from Earth and Water to Air and Fire signalling a time of dramatic acceleration with a major shift in frequency. Their synchronised transition marks a historic turning point and a new direction for humanity when fresh ideas and powerful spiritual impulses are seeded. 2024 asks for pushing beyond accepted boundaries, nourishing innovative ideas while remaining open for surprising twists and turns.

Pluto in Aquarius: The Reshaping of Human Relationships 2023/4-4

Pluto’s 2nd ingress into Aquarius occurs on January 21 but he will return to Capricorn just once more from September 1 – November 19, before settling in the sign of the water-bearer for the next 20 years. Pluto spent already a brief time in Aquarius during March – June 2023. Pluto-in-Aquarius cycles coincide with times of radical change and the emergence of new worldviews. During the next 2 decades our lives will change in unprecedented ways. At best, we will be creating a more humane, decentralised and horizontally structured society promoting mutual respect and friendship. But there is always a dark side to any archetype that emerges out of the collective, depending on how we use the energy.  The low side of Pluto in Aquarius is exclusivity and emotional separation. Also, AI and digitalisation will play increasingly a greater role. The dark side here will become more obvious too and we will ask the question if this new digitally driven world is really helping us to grow and evolve.

Each time when the Lord of the Underworld enters the most social and idealistic sign of the zodiac a period of upheaval, liberation and reflection on what it means to be human is initiated. One cycle back we had the French Revolution, and the American Bill of Rights was written. Uranus was discovered which changed the perception of the universe forever. The scientific revolution followed. Two cycles back Copernicus discovered the heliocentric model and challenged the belief-systems and dogmas of the time when postulating that the Earth with all the planets is orbiting around the Sun. This time we will certainly go further out into space familiarising ourselves with our galactic heritage as new frontiers of comprehension become acceptable and common knowledge. By finding our way forward we also find our way back. When Pluto is in Aquarius, the relationship between spirit and science shifts permanently reshaping human relationships and identity on a fundamental level.

Pluto is the planetary force of evolution while Neptune is associated with the human need for spiritual connection and the experience of soul. Neptune and Pluto have been forming a supportive sextile during 1945 -1986 and will soon align in a waxing sextile again for the last time during 2026-2032. The Neptune-Pluto cycle takes about 494 years to complete and is associated with the transformation of human beliefs and faith over time.

The Saturn – Neptune Cycle:  Spiritual Questioning and the Dissolution of Boundaries (1989 -2025/6)

Neptune in Pisces: 2011 – 2026; Saturn in Pisces March 2023 – February 2026
Neptune has been in its home sign Pisces since 2011 and will enter Aries in late March 2025
. Since Saturn is co-present in Pisces, a lot of our spiritual and visionary ideas can solidify during this late phase of the Neptune-in-Pisces cycle. Once Neptune crosses the threshold to Aries our relationship with the imaginative world will be energised and we may realise more directly how our beliefs transform into physical manifestation for the better or worse! We may work much more consciously with vibration and frequency, and the quality of our thinking. The mystic, philosopher, scientist and educator Rudolf Steiner was a Pisces Sun with Neptune in the late degrees of Pisces (born in 1861). He developed a theory of knowledge based on the direct experience of the spiritual nature of thinking bringing together science and spirit in a new way.

During 2024/5, Saturn and Neptune are in the end-phase of their 36-year cycle that began in 1989. They prepare for a powerful new beginning when meeting exactly at the zero-degree Aries Point threshold in February 2026. Until then, their combined journey through the most elusive sign of the zodiac could be quite chaotic and volatile signalling a period of spiritual questioning. Since 2020, fears of uncertainty about the future have been all pervasive dissolving boundaries between fact and fiction, truth and propaganda. These factors are  contributing heavily to the polarisation of communities, societies and nations. The challenge on a personal level has been finding balance between imagination and common sense while remaining centred and aligned with our own intuition, examining if we act out of fear or out of love. Neptune inspires with a vision or potential, and Saturn brings it down to earth by building the necessary structures. On the other side, Neptune dissolves where and when we have become too rigid and stuck in a rut.

Dreams and beliefs will be tested for their validity during the unfoldment of this cycle. For example, 1989 was the Fall of the Berlin Wall accompanied by a dream of unity between East and West. During this end-phase we witness the war between Ukraine and Russia plus the rise of neo-Nazis in the eastern part of Germany and Europe showing that some core structures built since 1989 have failed to fulfill people’s hopes and expectations.

The Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction at 22-degree Taurus on April 21: Opening of New Horizons

Uranus is transiting Taurus since 2018 and will enter Gemini in July 2025.  Uranus disrupts and transforms unexpectedly and unpredictably the principles of the sign he is transiting. In Taurus, Uranus has revolutionised our values, economy, agriculture and our relationship with Earth. There is still more change to come in these areas whilst Uranus is transiting the later degrees of this stability seeking sign before shifting into mental Gemini. We can assume that during the Uranus-in-Gemini years (2025/6 – 2033) our ways of transport, communication, technology and relationship to outer space will be revolutionised with knowledge and ideas that may only be in their infancy.

The most important planetary event during 2024 occurs on April 21st, when Uranus will conjoin with Jupiter at 22 degrees Taurus starting a new 14-year cycle of technological and cultural revolution. This cycle correlates withthe seeding and explosion of innovative ideas and creativity while new horizons are suddenly in reach. We have the opportunity of making a big jump in the area of life that is emphasised by the conjunction in our own chart. It can be an invitation to take risks, to follow a new inspiration, to suddenly become aware of a new door opening. On the other hand, the Jupiter-Uranus cycle expands the possibility of sudden revolutionary movements and activities as both planets are associated with the desire for freedom and truth. In Taurus, the potential for seismic activity is heightened as well, especially as this conjunction occurs just shortly after a powerful solar eclipse in Aries (April 8/9). We can expect that the time from March/April – June will be a very eventful period in the year.

During the last conjunction in 2010, we had the Arab Spring and the Icelandic Volcanic cloud that interrupted air traffic for weeks while the conjunction in 1969 coincides with the Moon landing and the legendary Woodstock Festival. During the next conjunction in 1982/3 the Space Shuttle Challenger was launched. In 1997, the Mars Pathfinder, a robotic spacecraft, landed on Mars. It was also the year of Princess Diana’s surprise death. The Storm on the Bastille which triggered the French Revolution occurred during a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in 1789. Steve Jobs and Edward Snowdon are born with a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in their natal charts and so are Cate Blanchet and Amy Winehouse.

Jupiter in Gemini: Expansion of the Mind:
May 26, 2024 – June 10, 2025

Jupiter enters Gemini on May 26and will remain until June 10, 2025. Jupiter in the sign of the mental twins invites us to grow wiser in our ability to communicate, network and remain open for dialogue. Gemini likes to explore different points of view without having all the answers. It is a great time for learning something new and to study subjects that expand our perception. Jupiter in Gemini will bring a breath of fresh air, likes to be playful and is great at creating networks of exchange.

Jupiter will receive two squares from Saturn during August and December. Saturn holds onto the past and Jupiter wants to move on. It is essential to remain flexible in one’s thinking. Disagreements are possible during these times and conflicts between moral principles (Jupiter) versus rules and regulations (Saturn) may arise. It might be a time when we are having to make a choice between either following our own conviction or conform to outer pressures. The exact dates are August 19th and December 25th.

Mercury retrogrades in Fire Signs:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
1 – 25 April               in Aries
5 – 29 August          in Leo (partial dip into Virgo)
26 Nov – 16 Dec     in Sagittarius

All Mercury retrogrades during 2023 were in Earth signs. They pushed us to deal with the practical realities of life. The December Mercury retrograde cycle has already been partly in Sagittarius. When in Fire, Mercury retrograde cycles put the emphasis on our heart’s desire and what really inspires us. Rather than relying on information from the outside, we are urged to align with our own truth, listen to our intuition and remain open to new possibilities.

Aries: From the end of January until the beginning of April is a perfect period for moving a step forward towards achieving your goals. With Mercury retrograde and a powerful Solar eclipse on April 9, the focus shifts toward inner reflection and clarifying what works and what doesn’t. Unexpected new beginnings are possible.

Mars, your ruling planet, is traversing Aries from May 1 until June 10, providing you with fresh motivation. The Lunar North Node remains in Aries until January 2025 supporting your desire for authenticity and independence. Jupiter’s journey through Gemini from the end of May until June 2025 lights up your solar house of community and the pursuit of knowledge offering many opportunities for expanding your networks.

The year ends with a Mars-retrograde cycle which will last from December 6th until February 25th, 2025. Expect that projects and connections will be tested and you are reminded of slowing down.

Taurus:  This is a watershed year for many Taureans when you are pushing further onto a new path. This process started already in 2018 but will now have its peak.  Jupiter and Uranus conjoin in your Sun sign, exact on April 21. Make extra space for this high-frequency energy because quantum leaps are possible and new horizons are opening for those who are willing to take the risk.

Mars, the planet of drive and action is in Taurus during June 10 – July 21 boosting your energy level and providing you with the necessary momentum to follow your life’s goals. Work through resistance and reflect on what is holding you back.

Most importantly, Pluto, the planet of transformation and permanent changes, is about to settle in your solar house of career and life direction for the next 20 years. More than ever, you will be asked to live your life’s true purpose.

Gemini: This is a mixed year, with lots of great opportunities and creative expansions but also equally there will be challenges, endings and limiting influences.

The good news is that Jupiter will be in your Sun sign during May 26-June 10, 2025, generating many opportunities for new beginnings, innovation and visionary projects. Jupiter was last in Gemini during June 2012 – June 2013.

Equally important is Saturn’s transition through your solar house of life direction and purpose. If you have done your research and facts are clarified, your influence in decision making processes is gaining. On the other hand, you might feel burdened with more responsibility than you have been asking for.

Mars will be in Gemini during July 21 – September 5, boosting your confidence and desire for pushing beyond set boundaries. Good planning, integrity and formulating a balanced approach will generate the progress that you desire.

Cancer: With the Lunar North Node still in your solar house of life direction during 2024, you are asked to set sail for reaching your life’s purpose.  During April, a powerful solar eclipse combined with Mercury retrograde may signal a time of reflection offering a deeper insight into whether you are on the right course. 

Support and help from your friends may come at the right time as you get more of an idea where your path is taking you. Groups and networking with like-minded souls open new doors unexpectedly showing you that you are not alone on this journey.

Mars, the planet of drive and energy will be in Cancer for a prolonged period starting on September 5 – November 3 and again during January 7 – April 19, 2025. Mars is retrograde during December 6 – February 24, 2025. This entire period will test and intensify your determination to stand for your truth and align with your authentic self.

Leo: With Pluto’s entry in your solar house of partnerships for the next 20 years, powerful changes will arrive through your engagement with others. Venus and Mars will be joining Pluto during mid-February until mid-March emphasising a period of clarification between your willingness to commit versus your need for freedom.

Jupiter journeys through your solar house of career and life direction until May 26 approaching a conjunction with electrifying Uranus on April 21. This could not only bring new opportunities of growth but also revolutionise your public image and role in the world. Be ready to embrace change as new doors open suddenly and unexpectedly. Your determination to follow your life’s calling might find new strength during June/July.

Mars enters Leo on November 5 and then stations retrograde one month later December 5. The Mars retrograde cycle lasts until February 23, 2025 initiating an inward process of identifying what is really important to you.

Virgo: Saturn is transiting your solar house of relationships until 2026 bringing tests and trials to your social world and one-on-one encounters. Clarification of each side’s responsibilities may be needed especially during March 23 – April 29. Commitments will be tested, and this may coincide with a time of letting go.

The liberating influence of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 21 falls in your solar 9th house kindling your desire for adventure and exploring new horizons. You might feel drawn towards expanding your knowledge base with innovative studies or through travel.

A breath of fresh air is blowing through your sector of life direction and career from mid-May onwards when Jupiter starts his 12-month journey through Gemini. July 21 – September 5 marks a period of great ambition when you feel compelled to follow your purpose and reaching out to achieve your life’s goals.

Libra: With two more eclipses occurring in your Sun sign, a lunar eclipse on March 24 and a solar eclipse on October 2, you can expect an acceleration of events during 2024. The emphasis is on relationships and how you can convey your needs truthfully and without holding back. Take note of whom and what you are attracting into your field of influence.

Pluto in Aquarius is about to revolutionise your creative and artistic drive. Especially from January 21 until March 12, you might feel enticed to experiment with different styles of self-expression. This may also affect your parenting approach as you might be moving away from traditional methods creating more space and freedom for yourself and your children.

When Jupiter enters your solar house of travel and higher knowledge on May 26(until June 10, 2025) you could decide on a new study course. Connections with people from overseas might work out to be quite beneficial during this period.

Scorpio: Pluto in Aquarius is transiting your solar house of home and family for the next 20 years (from January 21 -September 1; November 19 – January 2044). You may choose more than ever to experiment with different ways of living and need plenty of space for personal development. The foundation of your life has to align with the principles of true friendship, community, and freedom.

Jupiter and Uranus start their new cycle in your solar house of partnerships, freeing up space and time for a more liberated relationship style that is based on fairness and tolerance.

2024 could be a good year for taking your entrepreneurial side and creative potential onto a more serious level. Find out how your efforts are resonating with others and if you receive the acknowledgement that you desire. Depending on the outcome, you may start on a different path of activity in 2025/6. Mars turning retrograde in your career sector during December 5 – January 7, 2025 might boost this process.

Sagittarius: Saturn will be another year in your solar house of home and domestic affairs testing the strength of your foundation. During June/July you will get more of an idea about possible zones of weakness, may it be on an emotional or material level. Some essential work might need to be finalised before entering a new cycle of creativity in 2025/6.

Jupiter in Taurus will continue to increase your daily duties and responsibilities until May 26. If you are up for a change, the exciting Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 21 can bring sudden breakthroughs in your area of activity.

Jupiter highlights your solar house of relationships from May 26 – June 10, 2025. New opportunities of growth come from those who you attract into your energy field. Keep your frequency high and bright and your intentions focused on desirable outcomes, especially during times of increased tension and stress such as during mid-August and late December.

Capricorn: Pluto, the great transformer, is leaving your Sun sign on January 21but will return once more during September 1 – November 19 giving you a last chance to work through unfinished business from the past. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and with his transition into Aquarius you can now leave lots behind. Reflect a moment on the massive learning and growing that you have done during these 15 years!

Jupiter and Uranus meet on April 21 to initiate a new cycle of creativity and entrepreneurial projection. Stretch your boundaries and think out of the square. It is a time for calculated risk-taking.

Saturn continues his journey through your solar house of communication, short travel and neighbourhood. Once Saturn draws closer to elusive Neptune during June/July your perception of reality may shift and interaction with others might become more unclear. Old dreams could be rekindled, and it is for you to work out what is feasible and what is fantasy.

Aquarius: Pluto, the great transformer, had his first visit to your Sun-sign during March – June 2023 and will re-enter on January 21. Pluto will stay for about 20 years in Aquarius from November 19 onwards. Besides all the challenges this long transit may bring, it is a fantastic opportunity for personal growth and deeply felt changes to your identity. Expect that your approach to life is going to change in a major way, including how you view yourself and how others resonate with you. Be authentic and own your power, says Pluto!  Nevertheless, shadow themes of control might have to be owned as well as you can become more aware of your impact on others.

This process may start already mid-February until late March when the relationship planets Venus and Mars are conjoined in Aquarius. Finding the right balance between intimacy and personal freedom will be the task at hand.

Pisces: Saturn will be another year in your Sun sign generating experiences of a major re-orientation. It is a time of letting go, especially with Neptune transiting through the last degrees of Pisces. Their closest encounter during 2024 will be during June/July. This is a year of important endings as a new (old) part of yourself wants to be born and given expression from 2025/6 onwards.

Jupiter is activating your solar house of home and family from May 26 until June 11, 2025 bringing new opportunities for growth and expansion in this area of your life. Your family may grow or you might put on a beautiful home extension.  If you plan to move to another location, this is a helpful transit to make use of.  Mars journeys through this part of the zodiac from July 21 – September 4 boosting your zest for action, adventure and change.

Navigation by the Stars: Personal and/or Relationship Astrology; Life Cycles and Your Year Ahead Transits: Plans, Directions, Concerns for 2024-2025; in person or online consultations;
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“The Astrology of 2024 and beyond: Opening of New Horizons”;
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