Astro-forecast for February 2025

Astro-forecast for February 2025

“A Guiding Light”
by Gery Mews

During this year we will be experiencing many endings and new beginnings as the collectively influential outer planets Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are changing signs. They will be moving forward and backwards, from the old to the new and back again to finish an old era while planting the new seeds. This process of crossing boundaries and changing signposts will be completed by May 2026. It is best to remain flexible and keep options open as there is no certainty in what direction things will develop. Mars, driver of our motivation, is still retrograde until February 24.  It gives us extra time during this early part of the year to rethink our actions and plans, observe our emotional reactions and review how we deal with anxiety, tension and stress. Mars is in sensitive Cancer, the sign of home and family. The energy may be used for renovation projects in the home or rebuilding relationships with our tribe. Mars remains in Cancer until April 18.

The New Moon in Aquarius occurred on January 29 initiating the Chinese Year of the Snake. In Chinese tradition, Snakes are mysterious and wise. They awaken us to live according to our intuition, always ready to change, modify and reshape. They tend to act according to their own judgments while remaining observant, cautious and detached.

Transiting Neptune is conjunct the Lunar North Node in Pisces during February until the end of March emphasising the transpersonal, the visionary and creative. The Pisces-Virgo axis calls us toward dedicating our skills to a higher purpose, finding peace of mind through helping others to find happiness. Neptune, planet of dreams and illusions on the karmic nodal axis, points the way forward. The task is to go inward and strengthen our intuition as we are challenged to distinguish between utopian idealism and reality. The trap may lie in longing after external factors (leaders, spiritual teachers etc) that promise to bring the answers to our problems. Saturn will perform a reality check during April and May when the planet of consequences is in aspect with the lunar axis.  Besides having faith and dreaming of a better future (Neptune), we carry practical responsibility for our own and our collective destiny (Saturn).

The Full Moon on February 13 falls in Leo, the sign opposite the Sun  in Aquarius highlighting the themes of individuality (Leo) and diversity (Aquarius). The Leo Moon connects us with our true self and creative essence while the Sun in Aquarius on the other side reminds us of our humanitarian obligations as we are all part of a larger whole. The Full Moon forms a stressful square aspect with Uranus in Taurus, the planetary energy field associated with awakening, progress and breaking free from values that have lived out their time. Uranus combined with the Leo Moon provides fertile ground for emotional drama and volcanic eruptions. A lack of cooperation between opposing parties and too much willful tension or even hurt pride might hinder a peaceful resolution. In our relationships, personal or otherwise, head (Aquarius) and heart (Leo) may need to be realigned incorporating the Uranian need for change and giving space for individual development. Neptune in conjunction with the North Node reminds us of choosing love over fear.

The New Moon in Pisces eventuates on February 28.  New Moons are auspicious times for setting new intentions. In Pisces, we are called to go within, relax and align with our intuition and imagination, to be led by our inner guides. With so many planets aligned in Pisces (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Saturn, North Node and Neptune), the last sign of the zodiac, we can continue with releasing patterns of the past before crossing the threshold to a new historical era.

Aries: Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, is still retrograde until February 24 providing extra time for rethinking your actions and plans for the year. Mars is in sensitive Cancer, the sign of home and family. Use the energy for renovation projects in the home or rebuilding relationships with your tribe. Mars remains in Cancer until April 18.

Taurus: Uranus, the planet of rebellion and dramatic change, has just turned direct on the last day of January accelerating innovative ideas and technical advances.  Uranus is switching signs in July after a 7-year period in Taurus. Use the months until then for embracing new ways of thinking and breaking free of old patterns, including people’s expectations of you.

Gemini: Jupiter turns direct in your sun sign on February 5. For the next 4 months, the planet of good luck and opportunities continues its journey through Gemini boosting your confidence and desire for growth. This is perfect timing to let go of old ideas, attitudes or prejudices that are holding you back. Allow your view of the world to expand.

Cancer: Mars in Cancer is still retrograde until February 24 allowing you to assess your emotional reaction in challenging situations. Once Mars is direct again, things start moving forward. You then can make use of its motivational energies and introduce those changes that allow you to grow and advance in your projects (until April 18).

Leo: The Aquarian vibes of the month invite you to share your creative fire with others. A new chapter has opened and if you are prepared to go with the energy, it could be the start of a revolutionising period in your life. The Full Moon on February 13 highlights the need to re-align head and heart, vision with passion.

Virgo: With the lunar South Node now in Virgo until mid-next year, you are called to be practical about your spiritual ideals. Remember that perfection is a standard that nobody can really live up to. Surrendering to what is welcomes a better balance into your life. Connect more with others and accept their support graciously. Adjust mental attitudes to ease anxiety.

Libra:  Venus, ruler of Libra, enters Aries on February 4 preparing for her 6- week retrograde journey through Aries and Pisces during March/April. Then the planet of love and beauty will spend another month in Aries during May. Whatever comes up now regarding relationships or even financial themes will be re-assessed during the retrograde period. What is it that needs to be complete so something new can begin?

Scorpio: During this period your energy may be primarily focused on your domestic affairs. Is there anything in or around the home that needs fixing, or are there any hurts or doubts that need healing? You might want to revolutionise the way you approach this fundamental area of your life.  ‘You have to know where you are headed before you can steer — and one of the best ways to find that out is to look back where you’ve been’.

Sagittarius: Being receptive for information that has the power of revolutionising your way of thinking is the quest of the moment. It is a great time for exchanging ideas with others and working out details that lay the foundation for future projects. The time supports unique and inventive thinking that challenges traditional knowledge.

Capricorn: Plans for a steady income may be up in the air and you might be pushed towards unique and innovative ways of dealing with financial issues. This may cause struggles in partnerships, personal or otherwise. You win their support by being more open and inclusive in your approach. Re-assess how you handle conflict in critical situations.

Aquarius: Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion, is sending its supporting rays to Aquariusassisting you in seeing the big picture, enabling you to connect to people from all walks of life. Even though your ideas may be uplifting, you need to take care with going to extremes, especially around the Full Moon period (February 13). You may upset others by wanting to do things your own unique way. The resolution lies in aligning your head with your heart.

Pisces: This is a year of trial and error, of making choices and correcting them, especially during March and April. Use the Aquarian vibes of the moment for exploring your vision and motivation. The New Moon in Pisces on February 28 is helpful for working out the dreams that are worth keeping and could be manifested into reality.  

Navigation by the Stars: Personal and/or Relationship Astrology; Life Cycles and Your Year Ahead Transits: Plans, Directions, Concerns for 2025-2026; in person or online consultations;
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“The Astrology of 2025: Crossing The Threshold
Key Transits, Alignments, Ingresses”
February 8, 2025, 10 am – 4 pm
Lillifield Community Centre

“Mapping the Path in the Natal Chart”
The Nodal Axis as key indicator
March 9, 2025, 10 am – 4 pm
Lillifield Community Centre