Astro-forecast for October 2024

Astro-forecast for October 2024

“As Above, So Below”
by Gery Mews

Since the last equinox (September 22) the Sun has travelled through Libra, the sign concerned with balance and harmony. Libra has a strong sense of beauty, justice and fairness demonstrating a natural talent for mediating and negotiation. However, with Mars, the planet of assertiveness and conflict, moving through self-protective Cancer until November 4, it has been more difficult to maintain an emotional and mental equilibrium. Additionally, we are in an eclipse season. Eclipses are harbinger of change and often coincide with important endings and new beginnings, especially if they interact with a natal chart, may this be the birth chart of a person, an event, or a nation.

The Solar eclipse on October 3 occurs in 10 degree Libra. During an eclipse ‘the lights go out’ not only causing disturbances to the electro-magnetic field of the Earth but also effecting our nervous system. Remaining grounded is especially important during eclipse times. The Libra theme suggests that relationship and business matters could go through unexpected changes. There was an eclipse in the same degree on October 3, 2005. What started then in regard to partnerships or projects may now end or enter a new level in its life cycle. It might be a time when we try to clear away some of the accumulated baggage and start afresh. Mercury and Black Moon Lilith are both conjunct the eclipsed Sun, activating unresolved grievances and memories of previous injustice. This may be especially true for those who have planets around the 10th degree of Libra. It makes it harder to maintain a sense of balance in our communication with one another.  A defensive Mars in Cancer is squaring Sun, Moon, Mercury and the Black Moon Lilith driving our desire for emotional security and protection.  To avoid being trapped in the past we may reflect on what is gained by holding onto an old story or old resentment. On the positive, chances are that our perspective shifts suddenly.  We may be able to find a deeper understanding by accepting the light and shadow aspects of ourselves, the other or a certain situation. The eclipse carries a strong signal for embracing peace instead of war by focusing on mutual trust, empathy and on what binds us together versus what separates us.

Even though October promises to be emotionally intense, there are opportunities for accessing our deeper wisdom that supports the understanding side of our nature.  Jupiter in Gemini stations retrograde on October 9 forming an exact sextile to Chiron in Aries. This constellation encourages self-reflection and increases our ability to access the divine mind. Chiron represents the ‘wound’ but also ‘the inner healer’, the bridge between physical experiences and spiritual dimensions. Our wound pulls us into our own transformational journey. Jupiter is moving backward until February 4, 2025.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 17 forms a conjunction with Chiron, a square aspect with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn but also a sextile with Jupiter. We are dealing with the dynamic energies of a cardinal cross representing an urgent need to act or resolve an unresolved situation, most possibly connecting back to the October 3 eclipse. There is a pressure to get things done without delay. Luckily, Jupiter is sending its helpful rays to Sun and Moon, encouraging an open-minded dialogue between opposing parties. Jupiter in multi-faceted Gemini and in retrograde motion symbolises the complex nature of truth. It teaches us the necessity of acknowledging everyone’s experience as a valid part to the puzzle. “Be more committed to discovery, which requires sometimes being wrong, than to control, which demands you always be right.” Jeff Jawer

By the end of the month, Mars, planet of war, reaches its opposition to powerful Pluto (exact November 3). Undigested emotions may have reached their boiling point at the Scorpio New Moon on November 1. Nevertheless, Saturn forms a stabilising trine with the New Moon, supporting us to own our feelings instead of blaming others for their perceived shortcomings. Going deeper and bringing to light what has been buried may take courage but is ultimately empowering.

Aries: Current imbalances in your personal relationships might initiate a very potent time of healing. Making your feelings heard is part of the process. Nevertheless, you could feel more vulnerable than usual during these times of great transformation. Be prepared for entering a cycle of new soul-growth accompanied by endings and new beginnings and a potential for metamorphosis in your relationship dynamics.

Taurus: A cycle of a heightened need for self-sufficiency and stability is ending. Now it is about creating the right balance between work and relaxation as you may have to take more care of your body. Regard this as a time of spiritual healing, which can add another perspective to your life’s priority list.

Gemini: Endings and new beginnings are taking place in your creative sector of the chart. It is the house of pleasure and romance but also children, pregnancies and the birth of new children. This cycle could be a powerful call to explore your creative gifts further and align yourself more deeply with your own heart energy.

Cancer: During this cycle, the focus is on home and strengthening your foundation. Endings and new beginnings might be taking place around your domestic affairs. Align yourself with your ‘inner witness’ and trust this process of renewal and regeneration that ultimately can heal wounds from the past.

Leo: Communication plays a key role right now, especially the conversation you have with your community, neighbours and siblings. Make sure that you have understood the other person’s view fully before drawing definite conclusions. The Solar eclipse on October 3 might mark important endings and new beginnings suggesting the need for gaining new perspectives and clarity.

Virgo:  Endings and new beginnings might affect your financial reality and could challenge your sense of security. Your judgment of what is most important and where or how to invest your resources might suddenly change. Revisit your values and ponder on what is most important to achieve.

Libra: This could be the beginning of a new 19-year cycle especially if your birthday occurs in the first week of October. You may experience a desire to stand your ground more firmly and heal old issues around co-dependency.  It might mean the end of a relationship or a contract that doesn’t fulfill your needs anymore. The task is balancing your personal identity with meaningful relationships in your life.

Scorpio:  Pay attention to your dreams and observe your environment for messages that are coming towards you. Take them as messages from the soul. You might gain sudden clarity about something previously hidden. Just trust the process, trust your instincts. It could include insights about your own behaviour or insecurities that need addressing.

Sagittarius: This eclipse cycle brings your attention to your social networks and circle of friends. It is a time of endings and new beginnings with possible endings of some alliances and strengthening bonds with others, may they be old or new connections. Whoever enters now into your life might provide you with a sense of destiny, a feeling of synchronised encounters.

Capricorn: This eclipse cycle brings your attention towards your life direction and greater purpose in life.  You might undergo a sudden career change as new opportunities are coming your way. Nevertheless, it involves a process of clearing assumptions and perspectives that belong to the past. Honour this journey of inner and outer transformation.

Aquarius: Your spiritual and philosophical attitudes and outlooks are in a process of transformation. It involves a change in your storyline and emptying out beliefs that keep you trapped in the past. You are encouraged to imagine new pathways or begin a course of study, not knowing how it will change you.

Pisces: This eclipse cycle could initiate a process of soul-searching. Endings and new beginnings in your relationships might bring to light something which has been lingering in the dark. It might involve an act of letting go of control. Speaking your truth and sharing your deepest feelings as well as your fears will initiate a new level of understanding and intimacy.

Navigation by the Stars: Personal and/or Relationship Astrology; Life Cycles and Your Year Ahead Transits: Plans, Directions, Concerns for 2025; contact Tina on 0457903957; in person, zoom or skype consultations;; Gift vouchers available!

Astrology at the Lillifield Community Centre:
“Walking With Chiron: Embracing the Inner Healer Medicine”
Saturday, 23 November, 1 am – 4pm;  email
all welcome