

A 3-part series of Astro-Constellations
with Claudia Gyr & Tina Mews
Sunday, September 1, 8 & 15

The natal chart provides a map to your inherited family patterns. Planetary themes are passed down the family tree through generations revealing facets of your own soul.  Using the astrological symbols imaginatively in context of the family experience can broaden your understanding and love/acceptance of yourself and those close to you.

Family Constellations is an intuitive and powerful way of looking at present-day problems by experiencing yourself as part of a transgenerational field. In the first workshop of this series, we will explore the matrilineal lineage by constellating the Moon in the natal chart and her relationship dynamics expressed in the lunar aspects.

Join Claudia and Tina for a day of playful self-discovery and interactive exploration that may lead to new insights about the ancestral themes that you are here to resolve and heal for living your life more fully.

All welcome at any level of AstrologyBooking is essential as numbers are strictly limited. You can choose attending a single workshop or commit to the entire series of explorations

When:                 Sunday 1st September 9.30 am – 4.30 pm registration 9 am;
                              Sunday 8th September: The Sun & Patrilineal Dynamics
                              Sunday 15th September: the Inner Planets & Siblings Dynamics

Where:                5 minutes outside Mullumbimby

Cost:                   $150 for each workshop or $ 390 for the entire series. Cash on the day preferred.

Morning tea provided; bring your own lunch & natal chart; if you don’t have one ask for a print-out before the workshop

Bookings:          Claudia 0421 675 474 or

                              Tina        0457 903 957 or


Tina Mews

Tina holds a diploma in Astrology and a university degree in Counselling. She has worked in public organizations and private practice for the last 25 years. Since then, she has been teaching astrology classes, facilitating workshops and running self-healing groups.
Her aim is to combine soul development work with astrology.

Claudia Gyr

Claudia holds a Masters in Creative Arts Therapy and attended additional training in Family Constellations, Attachment based, Somatic and Trauma informed approaches. She has worked as an arts therapist for the past 19 years and holds regular family constellation groups at her studio near Mullumbimby. Through creative engagements and Constellation work Claudia aims to cultivate trust in essence of life, the infinite wisdom which moves all creation. https://www.mullumbimbyartther…   https://www.claudiagyrceramics…

at the Lillifield Community Centre will continue in November, 2024 10.30 am – 1 pm, $30

Past workshops:

February 10th, 2022
“The Astrology of 2022 and beyond”

February 24th, 2022
“The Relationship Planets Venus and Mars”

Zoom-Astro Classes: 

Zoom classes start again on Februry 3rd and will continue on a monthly basis.

February 3rd, 2022: 
“The Astrology of 2022 and beyond”
10.30 am – 1 pm

March 3rd, 2022:
“The Relationship Planets Venus and Mars”
10.30 am – 1 pm

Learning Astrology:

Planning Your Year Ahead with the Lunar Calendar!

Thursday, January 16, 2020,
2.30pm – 5 pm
at the Lillifield Community Centre;
$ 20
for bookings & info 

1-day workshops:

The Powerful Astrological Cycles of 2020 & the start of a New World” 
Saturday, January 25, 2020
10 am – 4 pm,
at the Lillifield Community Centre
$ 70; conc $ 60

for bookings and info please contact Tina
0457 903 957 or

past workshops:

Life Path Astrology: Direction & Purpose”
Saturday, September 7th, 2019
10 am – 4 pm,
at the Lillifield Community Centre
$ 70; conc $ 60

Eclipses and the Astrology of Transformation

Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 10 AM – 4 PM
Living Yoga Sanga, 63 Stuart St Mullumbimby
$ 80; $70 conc

“Planetary Relationships: Themes and Aspects“
Saturday, July 20th
10 am – 4 pm
Living Yoga Sanga,The Astrology of Family Dynamics
63 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby

The Art of ForecastingPart 2: Planetary Transits

Saturday, 9 April  2019, 10 am – 4 pm
Lillifield Community Centre, 4505 Kyogle Rd, Wadeville 

bring your own lunch; morning tea provided $70, conc$ 60
contact: 0457 903 957

The 12 Astrological Houses and Their Rulers

April 27, 10 am – 4 pm
Living Yoga Sanga,
63 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby
Cost: $ 80; $ 70 conc; 

Empowering Our Lives…as we Countdown to 2020’

Two-day Seminar on Sat 11th & Sun 12th May 2019@ Nerang on the Gold Coast with
 Maggie Kerr & Tina Mews
guest presenter Marie Mueller

for bookings & info  0457903957

Secondary Progressions, Progressed Lunar Phase& Solar Return

Secondary Progressions describe the Cosmos in slow motion; one day of ‘above’ equals one year of ‘below’. This method is used for identifying important developmental times in a person’s life and is a powerful predictive tool.

The Progressed Lunation Cycle gives us important long-term background information. Every 30 years, the Progressed New Moon initiates the emergence of a new vision. A person’s lunation phase indicates the current stage in this 30-year process.

A Solar Return is a chart calculated for the exact time of the Sun’s return to its natal position. As a transit chart it indicates current environmental factors & the trend of experience for the following year.

“The Astrology of Mental Well-being& Life Transitions”,

February 16,
10 am – 4 pm, 
at the Lillifield Community Centre;
$ 70; conc $ 60
for bookings & info  0457903957

Planets, Houses & Rulership:
Energy Transmission in the Horoscope

February 23, 10 am – 4 pm
Living Yoga Sanga,
63 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby
Cost: $ 80; $ 70 conc; 

Astrology & Karma

Why are we here?
What is the deeper purpose of my life?

In this 1-day workshop we will explore karmic themes from an astrological perspective.

We will be working with:

The Karmic New Moon as developed by Swiss Astrologer Claude Weiss; the Lunar Nodes & the soul’s choices; the Water Houses 4, 8, 12 & ancestral legacy; Saturn & Pluto themes

Sat, October 27; 10 am – 4 pm
Lillifield Community Centre,
4505 Kyogle Rd, near Nimbin

Costs: $ 70; conc $60

The Astrology of 2019:Search for a New Vision

We will explore:
Jupiter in Sagittarius & Neptune in Pisces
Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn
The Nodal axis in Cancer/Capricorn
Uranus in Aries/Taurus

2018 was a  year of uncomfortable truths and revelations, where at times we had to step backwards and deal with issues from the past that needed healing and transforming. This was the Jupiter-in-Scorpio period which is going to end on November 8. 2018. Then, Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system and principle of truth, wisdom, expansion and luck enters its on sign Sagittarius. Jupiter will remain in Sagittarius until December 2019 bringing us opportunities for new soul growth, mental explorations and travel. Where will our journey take us next?

Saturday, December 1, 2018  10 am – 4 pm

Living Yoga Sanga, 63 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby

Cost: $ 80; $ 70 conc; please bring your chart or ask for a print-out

Saturday, December 8, 2018 10 am – 4 pm
at the Lillifield Community Centre!

0457903957 or

Contact 0457 903 957;

Soul Astrology,  Emotional Well-Being and  Australian Bush Flower Essences

In this workshop we will explore:
➢ the 12 Moon signs, their basic qualities and characteristics;
➢ emotional imprints and their themes as revealed in the birth chart by Moon sign and aspects
➢  how Australian Bush Flower Essences can address potential weaknesses and enhance the strength of each
Moon sign.

Saturday, September 15, 2018  10 am – 4 pm
Living Yoga Sanga, 63 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby 
Cost: $ 80; $ 70 conc; please bring your chart or ask for a print-out

The Astrology of Relationship

We will explore:

  • birth order and fate
  • the planets and houses of relationship
  • interpersonal energy dynamics and patterns of relating
  • the art of chart comparison

Saturday, September 29; 10 am – 4 pm
Lillifield Community Centre, 4505 Kyogle Rd 

Costs: $ 70; conc $60

Guiding Themes of Shadow and Light:Exploring the Dynamics of the Natal Chart 

Each astrological sign encompasses light and shadow qualities and how these are expressed in each of us can have subtle differences depending on the makeup of our entire astrological chart. We will explore:

  • Core themes and patterns contained within the natal chart
  • How the various combinations of the archetypes work and create the dynamics and uniqueness of every individual’s life experience.
  • The many layers of the horoscope

Saturday, April 28, 2018  10 am – 4 pm

Living Yoga Sanga, 63 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby

Cost: $ 80; $ 70 conc; please bring your chart or ask for a print-out

0457903957 or

A Change in Frequency: Uranus in Taurus & Chiron in Aries 

Uranus, the God of the starry skies & symbol for the yang principle, enters Taurus, the most earthy and feminine sign in the zodiac on May 15, just 4 weeks after the entry of Chiron into Aries. Uranus opens up new territory, new dimensions of consciousness, while Chiron’s task is to confront us with the shadow sides and weaknesses that need integration, purification and healing. During this 1-day workshop, we will explore the significance of these planetary shifts, their challenges as well as their creative potentials for our personal & collective lives.

Saturday, May 19, 10 am – 4 pm,
Lillifield Community Centre, 4505 Kyogle Rd;
$ 70, conc $60 please bring your chart along or contact me for a print-out For info & bookings: 0457903957 or

The Lunar Nodes:the Evolutionary Dynamics of the Natal Chart

During this 1-day workshop we will explore

  • the current position of the Lunar Nodes in Leo/Aquarius
  • the Nodal axis as the place where eclipses eventuate and where we get in contact with evolutionary, collective & ancestral themes
  • the karmic implications of the South Node and the purpose and potential of the North Node; balancing the nodal duality
  • planets in aspect to the nodal axis; the rulers of the nodes

April 21, 10 am – 4 pm, Lillifield Community Centre,
4505 Kyogle Rd; $ 70, conc $60
please bring your chart along or contact me for a print-out

For info & bookings:
 0457903957 or

The Astrology of 2018:
Manifesting a New Reality

We will explore:

  • Saturn in Capricorn & Jupiter in Scorpio
  • Uranus in Taurus & Chiron in Aries;
  • Venus & Mars retrogrades

Precursors of the Great Conjunction in 2020

Saturday, 10 February, 2018 10 am – 4 pm; Living Yoga Sanga, 63 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby

Cost: $ 80; $ 70 conc; please bring your chart or ask for a print-out

contact Tina  0457903957 or

Planetary Cycles and Transits:
Staying Attuned to an Ever-Changing Reality

Saturday, February 24, 10 am – 4 pm, Lillifield Community Centre
$ 70, conc $ 60

contact Tina  0457903957 or

Secondary Progression and Solar Arc:the ‘Inner Cosmos’ Revealed

During this 1-day workshop we will ➢ explore Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc as two powerful predictive tools and helpful timing devices; ➢ set up a timeline combining Progressions and the most important Transits of 2018.
Saturday, December 2, 2017, 10 am – 4 pm Living Yoga Sanga, 63 Stuart St, Mullumbimby
contact me for print-out of progressed charts; $80, conc $70
contact: Tina 0457 903 957

Planetary Combinations, Aspects and Aspect Patterns:
Inner Planets to Outer Planets

In this 1-day workshop we will be exploring

  • planetary combinations between inner planets (Moon – Mars) in their relationship with outer planets (Chiron – Pluto)
  • the signs of the outer planets as indicators of    their generational goals and evolutionary tasks
  • issues for inner – outer planets combinations

Saturday,  Sept 23, 2017,  10 am – 4 pm, Lillifield Community Center, 4505 Kyogle Rd, Wadeville 2474
10 am – 4 pm; for bookings and info contact Tina on 0457903957 or

Medical Astrology and Emotional Well Being

Until the arrival of modern medicine, health and healing in folk medicine was guided by the concept of nature as ultimately self-regulating. Dis-ease was regarded as a cause of inner or outer imbalances which needed to be addressed to restore the well-being of body and soul.

During this workshop we will explore

  • The code of Medical Astrology
  • Key patterns and chart indicators to natal Medical Astrology
  • The concept of imbalances, excess and deficiency as a cause for dis-ease
  • The relationship between psycho-emotional needs and health from an astrological perspective

Saturday, 21 October, 2017  10 am – 4 pm   Lillifield Community Centre, 4505 Kyogle Rd, Wadeville

Cost: $ 70; $ 60 conc; please bring your chart or ask for a print-out
Tina  0457903957 or

Eclipses & the Astrology of Transformation

Eclipses, which are powerful New Moons (solar eclipse) and powerful Full Moons (lunar eclipse), are among the oldest forecasting tools used by astrologers. They eventuate, when there is an alignment between Sun, Moon and Earth, happening twice a year. ❖ We will explore the upcoming August eclipses and the potential they contain for you. ❖ We will be discussing the Saros cycle and periodicity of Solar eclipses as markers of change and transformation. ❖ We will discuss the significance of the current eclipses falling in the signs of Leo and Aquarius, as the affairs ruled by these signs are in a transformational process

Saturday 29 July, 2017, 10 am – 4 pm, Lillifield Community Center, 4505 Kyogle Rd, Wadeville 2474 10 am – 4 pm; for bookings and info contact Tina on 0457903957 or

Medical Astrology and Emotional Well-Being 

Until the arrival of modern medicine, health and healing in folk medicine was guided by the concept of nature as ultimately self-regulating. Dis-ease was regarded as a cause of inner or outer imbalances which needed to be addressed to restore the well-being of body and soul. During this workshop we will explore ❖ The code of Medical Astrology ❖ Key patterns and chart indicators to natal Medical Astrology ❖ The concept of imbalances, excess and deficiency as a cause for dis-ease ❖ The relationship between psycho-emotional needs and health from an astrological perspective

Saturday, 26 August, 2017 10 am – 4 pm Living Yoga Sanga, Mullumbimby; suite 1, first floor 63 Stuart Street. Entrance Stuart Street Foyer ; Please bring your birth charts along, or contact me for a print-out! $ 80; conc $70 Tina 0457903957 or

Secondary Progression and Solar Arc: the ‘Inner Cosmos’ Revealed

Throughout the history of astrology, astrologers invented different methods of projecting a natal chart into the future. “Secondary Progression” has been the most important one and can be regarded as a system of symbolic timing.
Solar Arc and Secondary Progressions describe the Cosmos in slow motion; one day of ‘above’ equals one year of ‘below’. Both methods are used for identifying important developmental times in a person’s life and are powerful predictive tools.  One of the key differences between the two methods is that in Solar Arc we also advance the slower moving planets (Jupiter through to Pluto).

During this 1-day workshop we will explore Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc as two powerful predictive tools and helpful timing devices. We will learn how to calculate the movement of Solar Arc planets based on the natal chart.

Saturday, 24 June 2017, 10 am – 4 pm

Lillifield Community Centre, 4505 Kyogle Rd, Wadeville

bring your own lunch; morning tea provided $70, conc$ 60
contact: 0457 903 957

Ariadne’s Thread: Entry points into the Horoscope &
Understanding Core Themes

A horoscope can appear like a maze of encoded information through which we have to find our way.

During this workshop, we will explore different methods of entering the central themes with the aim of getting to the essence of a chart.

Saturday, July 1, 2017, 10 am – 4 pm

Mullumbimby Yoga Peace Centre, Living Yoga Sanga, suite 1, first floor 63 Stuart Street. Entrance Stuart Street Foyer ; Please bring your birth charts along, or contact me for a print-out!
$ 80 (conc available), morning tea provided
Tina 0457 903 957

Chiron and Lilith:
Archetypes of the ‘Outsider’ in Astrology

In astrology Chiron symbolises ‘the wound’ & ‘the wounded healer’, Lilith the intuitive feminine wisdom & lost core instincts.
They both deal with wounds and trauma. Where Chiron becomes a healer by working with his own incurable wound: Lilith deals with the denial of trauma and repression; digging it up by facing the shadows and the rage that follows, before she restores her connection with the universe again.
In myth Lilith ends up as an outcast because the refuses to be dominated. She is part of the Earth, a relic of the intuitive ancient snake goddesses of pre-Christian religion. Chiron is an outsider: a planetoid who came from someplace else, probably the Kuiper Belt, and got drawn into the magnetic field of our solar system.
Both energies are a channel to our spirituality & and authentic Self and give our live a deeper meaning.

Saturday, April 29 Mullumbimby 10 am – 4 pm
Mullumbimby Yoga Peace Centre, 2/44 Burringbar St
$ 80 (conc available), morning tea provided
Tina 0457 903 957

Planets, Houses & Rulership:
Energy Transmission in the Horoscope

Planetary Rulers are messengers; they can move the energy of another planet or a house to a different location in the chart. Exploring the ordering principle of rulership assists in a deeper understanding of the chart. It ties together the pieces of the puzzle in a coherent way.

We will be exploring:
The Ascendant, its theme and the ruler of the horoscope
Mutual reception between planets & houses
The placement of the rulers in the 12 houses
Assessing the condition of a house ruler

Saturday, March 18, 2017 10 am – 4 pm Lillifield Community Centre, 4505 Kyogle Rd, Wadeville 2474; Please bring your birth charts along! Morning tea provided
Tina 0457903957 or

The Astrology of Family Patterns and Ancestry

1-day Astrology workshop on August 20, at the Lillifield Community Centre

Like no other system, astrology can supply helpful tools in exploring the complexities of the family. Family theory suggests that individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their greater unit that generates an entire field of energy. Families are units of interconnected and interdependent individuals, a living entity that seeks stability and balance. Themes in families often are many generations old and are passed on until they are resolved.
During this day we will explore the core themes and myths of families; we will find out about family patterns that run through the family tree.

Saturday, August 20, 9.30 am am – 4 pm
Lillifield Community Centre, bring your own lunch; morning tea provided
$70 each day, $ 60 concession
Lillifield Community Centre near Nimbin; 4505 Kyogle Rd (next to Barkers Vale School);
Tina 0457903957 or

The Planets: Key Players in the Horoscope
weekly from August 3 – September 21 at the Lillifield Community Centre

Every planet in the chart represents an aspect of our soul/self. It contains lots of potential and reflects very specific energies, characteristics and needs that call for expression on a spiritual, psychological and physical level.
In this 8-week course we will explore the planetary principles and tune into their essence. We will discover how the planets can become ‘helpful tools’ in our lives.

Lillifield Community Centre near Nimbin; 4505 Kyogle Rd (next to Barkers Vale School);
$ 20 each session
Wednesdays 10 am – 1 pm, starting August 3 – September 21

Relationship Astrology1-day workshop on Saturday, September 10 at the Lillifield Community Centre

The Goddesses in Astrology
weekend with guest speaker Tess Cullen at the Lillifield Community Centre
Saturday/Sunday October 15/16

contact for all inquiries and bookings:
Tina 0457903957 or