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by Gery Mews
& Classes
The Astrology of 2025
‘Crossing the Threshold’
February 8, 2025
10 am – 4pm
Lillifield Community Centre
Astrology of 2025: Crossing the Threshold
” 2025/26 will be remembered as the watershed years of the decade when we manifest the epochal shift from the old materialistic and stable Earth Age to the fast-paced unpredictable Air Age.
The year begins with Mars retrograding through the early degrees of Leo and in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius calling for our determination and courage to give power to the spirit of innovation and renewal. Mars retrogrades back to Cancer on January 6 and will remain in the sign ruled by the Moon until April 17. The Mars retrograde period ends on February 23 making the start of 2025 perfect for slowing down, observing our emotional reactions and reviewing how we deal with tension and stress in our bodies, home life and relationships with others. Having strong inner foundations give the balance to move through times of transition and epochal change.“
(Astrology of 2025: Crossing the Threshold)