Astrology 0f 2025: Crossing the Threshold

by Gery Mews
2025/26 will be remembered as the watershed years of the decade when we manifest the epochal shift from the old materialistic and stable Earth Age to the fast-paced unpredictable Air Age.
The year begins with Mars retrograding through the early degrees of Leo and in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius calling for our determination and courage to give power to the spirit of innovation and renewal. Mars retrogrades back to Cancer on January 6 and will remain in the sign ruled by the Moon until April 17. The Mars retrograde period ends on February 23 making the start of 2025 perfect for slowing down, observing our emotional reactions and reviewing how we deal with tension and stress in our bodies, home life and relationships with others. Having strong inner foundations give the balance to move through times of transition and epochal change.
The first major shift of the year takes place on January 12, when the Lunar Nodes of fate and destiny change from Aries/Libra to Virgo/Pisces. For the next 18-19 months the polarity between chaos and order is highlighted. The lunar nodes are the GPS of collective focus. We can anticipate a greater collective effort in managing the refugee crisis, homelessness and supporting those in need. The state of the oceans, climate change and the environment are also top priority. The Lunar North Node is conjunct Neptune until the end of March emphasising the transpersonal, the visionary and creative, pointing to the implementation of a spiritual practice. The Pisces-Virgo axis calls us toward dedicating our skills to a higher purpose, finding peace of mind through helping others to find happiness. When we surrender, we will become stronger.
The solar and lunar eclipse seasons in 2025 occur in March and September. Each eclipse season comprises two eclipses, one solar and one lunar, a couple of weeks apart. Very often, these are the most active and hectic times of the year. Solar and lunar eclipses are powerful new and full moons near the nodal axis and mark times of rapid change. We are forced to face important issues in a way that might be uncomfortable at first, but that ultimately can lead to evolutionary growth.
Outer Planet Transits:
In astrology we study the cycles of the three slow-moving outer transpersonal planets as the key markers of our collective experience through history. These outer planets have long orbits: Pluto 248 years, Neptune 164 years and Uranus 84 years. It is an extremely rare event when all 3 outer planets change signs in between 2023/4-2026. They are the significators for our collective evolution and processes.
Additionally, during 2025 to 2028, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto align in a supportive Minor Grandtrine, transiting from more passive water and earth signs to energetically active and outward directed air and fire signs. Just to get an idea about the length of cycles, the last triple conjunction of these slow movers occurred in 578 BCE, the time when our modern era civilisations were born. Now 2500 years later, they align again with Neptune at the midpoint marking a watershed moment in history, a breaking point for us all. The possibility of war and destruction competes with the possibility of world peace and the awakening of a global consciousness.
The Saturn-Neptune Conjunction 2025-2027:
Dissolution vs Birthing New Visions
During 2025, Neptune and Saturn journey back and forth between the last and first degrees of the zodiac, preparing for their next major conjunction on February 20, 2026 at the zero-degree Aries point. It marks the birth of a new era. The conjunction is near exact already in July/August 2025. Together, they call in a new time with new images and visions while completing their 36-year synodic cycle. We can perceive it as a courageous push to move forward into a brand-new world of possibility alongside with grieving over the loss of unfulfilled dreams.
Saturn/Neptune alignments are complex. Saturn and Neptune contradict each other in many ways. Saturn represents the limitations of reality, the factual, the boundary between the known and the unknown. Neptune represents our hopes, dreams, inspirations and imagination but also illusions and deceit. Neptune, ruler of the oceans, has no boundaries. Neptune erodes the strict laws and structures of Saturn and Saturn scrutinises Neptunian fantasies. Reality itself becomes uncertain. And at the same time, it can also be a process of giving form to our ideas and ideals, bringing our vision down to earth.
The cycle now ending started in 1989-90 with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the USSR. Previously existing boundaries and divisions (Saturn) were eroded and dissolved (Neptune). In many ways, these were transitional times with lots of confusion and uncertainty. On a personal level, we can ask ourselves which boundaries, limitations or responsibilities need dissolving in preparation for the new incoming energies?
The upcoming conjunction is informed by a helpful Uranus-Pluto trine, being the apex of an unusually supportive alignment involving all the three transpersonal planets.
The Uranus- Pluto Trine 2025-2029: Revolution and Evolution
Once Uranus enters Gemini on July 8, the cosmic awakener will be forming a long-lasting trine aspect with Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius is symbolic for people’s power, decentralisation and grass root movements. Historically, it has been a period when great new discoveries were made that changed the way humanity perceives the world. 1532-1555 was the time of the Renaissance, when Copernicus put forth the theory of Heliocentricity and Paracelsus brought on the medical revolution. 1777 -1798 witnessed the Age of Enlightenment, when Uranus was discovered, coinciding with the start of the Industrial and French Revolution.
Uranus and Pluto will be forming 5 exact conjunctions between July 2026 – May 2028. Their harmonious alignment marks a period of accelerated change. This may occur through either radical societal- political or environmental change, or even evolutionary leaps as well as everything together. Many of the revolutionising ideas born at the Uranus-Pluto conjunction in 1965-67 may come into manifestation. During this period, especially young people were inspired by a consciousness revolution in search for their spiritual truth, their connection with others and with nature. Also, the technological revolution including space exploration had its roots then. 60 years later, we are facing a progressive new world, driven by Artificial Intelligence that promotes a new definition of consciousness and what it means to be human. The Quantum Paradigm suggests consciousness being an integral part of the cosmos and not limited to the human mind. As the outer planets align in an extremely rare harmonious configuration, they communicate to us that all things in the universe are interdependent and interconnected. What we think, feel and do does matter.
Uranus in Gemini: 84 -year cycle
The Communication and Technology Revolution 2025 -2032/3
Uranus enters the sign of the twins July 8 through to November 9 and then retrogrades back to Taurus. Uranus returns to Gemini in April 2026 (until 2032).
Uranus represents change, freedom, and originality representing the archetype of the rebel who breaks through conventions. The energy is sudden, exciting, unexpected, unpredictable. Uranus rules innovative technologies, new discoveries, electricity as well as air and space travel.
Last time when Uranus visited Gemini in 1942-1948, the USA entered WWII, and two nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan. The UN was founded and the Declaration of Human Rights issued. Inventions included rockets, sonar, radar and the transistor as well as LPs and vinyl records. With Uranus in the mental sign of Gemini for the next 7 years, we can anticipate radical new transport and communication systems, new developments in space travel as well as radical changes to social networks, education and numerous innovations driven by AI.
Uranus has its final stay in Taurus between November 2025 and April 2026.
Neptune in Aries: 165-year cycle
Spiritual Renaissance and Spiritual Empowerment 2025 – 2039
Neptune is in the last degree of Pisces at the start of the year. Neptune crosses the zero-degree Aries point on March 30, birthing a new cycle, a new beginning. Last time it transitioned from Pisces to Aries was February 1861. This coincided with the start of the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery. In Australia, the National Gallery of Victoria was founded, and the first Melbourne Cup was held. Neptune will be in Aries until 2039. Neptune is the ruler of horses but also of the welfare of all beings. It will be interesting to witness new developments in this area.
Neptune represents our imagination, collective and personal. It is the planet of the spiritual and emotional realms symbolising the ideals and dreams that inspire us to transcend boundaries and fuse with a greater whole.
Neptune in Aries represents the archetype of the spiritual warrior. In Aries, the inner fire is ignited. We are called to act on our vision and bring it to the world. Neptune in Aries opens a portal to the imaginative dimensions, however, it is important to remain mindful of what we are wishing for and which energies we want to activate. Saturn is accompanying Neptune until 2028, positioned at the gap between the real and the ideal. Saturn tells us that actions and decisions have consequences; they can be positive or negative. Because of uncertainty and fear of chaos, the collective mood could gravitate towards glorifying populist leaders and fighting for a cause that stimulates religious or ideological dogmatism.
Neptune has its final 3 months in Pisces from the end of October 2025 until the end of January 2026.
Saturn in Aries: Breaking Through Boundaries
May 2025 – April 2028
Saturn enters Aries on 25th May and retrogrades back to Pisces on 1st September for a final few months returning to Aries in February 2026. Saturn is in the sign of its fall when in Aries, demanding maturity and accountability of the youthful pioneer who storms ahead according to their own desires and needs. Aries likes to conquer new territory in search for their own ego-identity, the “Golden Fleece”. The emphasis is on getting moving and doing it without thinking about possible consequences. Saturn teaches Aries valuable lessons in persistence, calling for reality checks, responsible action and prioritising what to focus on and fight for (or defend against) to get results. On an elemental level, Saturn is cold, and Aries is hot. This can give rise to feelings of frustration but also the desire to break through boundaries and confines that restrict one’s autonomy and independence.
Jupiter in Cancer June 10, 2025 – July 1, 2026
Jupiter, planet of good fortune and wisdom, enters Cancer on June 10, 2025 and remains until July 2026. Jupiter is well placed in the sign of the Moon, its sign of exaltation. Jupiter expands whatever sign it is journeying through. In Cancer, Jupiter brings abundance, growth and fresh opportunities to all things to do with home, family, children, mothers and education. In Cancer, Jupiter motivates us to honour our emotions and inner needs and build on what nurtures us. This includes the food we eat. On the downside, we have to be careful not to overeat or pamper ourselves and others too much.
Jupiter forms stressful square aspects to Saturn and Neptune, exact June 15 (Saturn) and 19 (Neptune). This is a reminder to nurture the seeds we plant now with care and devotion to make them grow and blossom in the future.
Retrograde dates:
Mercury retrogrades:
March 15 – April 7: Mercury retrogrades from Aries to Pisces
July 18 – August 11: Mercury retrograde in Leo
November 9 – November 29: Mercury retrogrades from Sagittarius to Scorpio
Venus retrograde:
March 2- April 13: Venus retrogrades from Aries back to Pisces
March retrograde:
December 6 – February 23: March retrogrades from Leo back to Cancer
The dynamic of the inner planet retrograde cycles plays out between fire and water, between stepping out and up and then withdrawing inward for further reflection.
2025 is a transitional year, when innovative steps are taken into the future and the New Air Age. New visions and dreams emerge out of the collective (un)conscious. This is followed by further reviewing of the past and the dissolution of the earth-bound structures of the dying old world.
Aries: This is an eventful year for Aries coinciding with Saturn and Neptune starting a new 14- year cycle in your sun sign. Neptune enters March 30 and remains in Aries until October 23, and again from January 2026 until 2040. Neptune sensitises and dissolves boundaries generating feelings of uncertainty and vagueness. Your motivation may change as you want to focus more on creative or spiritual goals.
Saturn will be in Aries during May 25 and September 1 and again from February 2026 until April 2028 starting a new 29-year cycle of maturing. You may be asked to take on extra responsibility or work extra hard to realise a dream. This can be confusing as you may also feel like slowing down and having a rest. It may be a good idea, not to overload yourself with too many new projects.
Taurus: After seven years in Taurus, Uranus the planet of awakening but also disruption and chaos, leaves your sun signs during July 7 to November 8, making its final exit in April 2026. For you, there could be calmer times ahead. Nevertheless, you may want to reflect on the changes that have taken place in your life and how they have brought you closer to who you truly are.
Your ruling planet Venus is performing her retrograde dance during March 16 to April 7. Use these weeks to reflect on your most important values and priorities. Your life could shift into a different direction as your search for more freedom and authenticity continues.
Gemini: These are exciting but also life changing times for Gemini, when Uranus enters Gemini during July 7 to November 8, and then from April 2026 to 2032. You will need more space to do the things that inspire you. Uranus puts stress on the nervous system, a new flow of creativity and mind-blowing ideas could alternate with an increase in restlessness, sleeplessness and anxiety. So, take good care of your mental health during this 7-year Uranus in Gemini cycle.
Jupiter, planet of good fortune and bringer of opportunities remains in your sun sign until June 10, giving you a taste of new possibilities and prepares the path for new future developments.
Cancer: Mars, planet of action, is in your sun sign from January 6 to April 17. Mars is retrograde until February 23, making the start of 2025 perfect for slowing down and getting in contact with needs and energy output. It is a good time to reflect on what you really want in life.
The good news of the year is Jupiter’s entry to Cancer on June 10. The planet of good fortune and expansion remains in your sun sign until July 2026 offering you many great opportunities of growth. Use the weeks in the early part of the year for contemplating on dreams and projects close to your heart. There is a great chance that they will grow and blossom.
Leo: The year begins with action planet Mars in retrograde motion in your sun sign until January 6. This cycle of review started already in December. You may reflect more on how to make best use of your energy and apply your creative drive. From April 19 to June 17, Mars is in Leo again and in direct motion boosting your energy level and supporting you in driving your plans forward.
Pluto, the planet representing power, has now fully entered Aquarius, the opposite sign, urging you to make your unique contribution to a specific group or humanity at large. Your entire relationship experience may go through deep changes, and you might have to work on a new balance between your needs as a sovereign being and those of others.
Virgo: The nodal axis changes to Virgo/Pisces in January 12 for the next 18 months emphasising a shift in focus. During this cycle you will be able to change old habits of over-analysing and needing to be in control of every detail in your life, to a more relaxed approach. Guided by your emotional experiences, you may choose to dedicate your skills to being more inclusive.
Endings and new beginnings are especially potent during March and September. These periods will be important for your relationships with others. Agreements and contracts may change suddenly. You receive new insights about your future life direction when Uranus enters your career sector during July 8 to November 9, continuing this cycle in April 2026 for another 7 years.
Libra: 2025 starts with a period of reflection on what makes you happy and fulfilled. From January 6 until February 23, Mars, planet of energy and drive, passes through your career house in retrograde motion initiating a cycle of review of your major plans and goals. Then Venus, planet of relating, begins her 6-week retrograde cycle in your house of partnership and marriage on March 2 exposing unresolved relationship issues.
Changing dynamics in partnerships will remain a theme for the years to come. Saturn, master of reality, enters this part of your chart during May 25 to September 1 and again from February 2026 until April 2028. Neptune, planet of romance and illusions, will be visiting from April until October staying on more permanently from February 2026 until 2040.
Scorpio: The year starts with times of reflection about your path ahead and a quest for meaning. What does motivate you on a spiritual level? Once the Mars retrograde cycle has ended (February 23) you may feel freshly inspired. Mid-April to mid-June brings a surge of energy and ambition to follow your goals.
Jupiter’s entry to Cancer (June 10 – July 2026) supports an optimistic outlook and is great for expanding your horizons. Saturn visits your work and health sector from May 25 – September 1, bringing an emphasis on work, discipline and possible challenges to health. Saturn continues this cycle from February 2026 – April 2028. Neptune starts its 14-year cycle here during March 30 – October 22 and continues from February 2026 increasing your overall sensitivity.
Sagittarius: January 12 brings a shift of focus. Over the next 18 months, worldly goals may become less important as the emphasis changes towards your spiritual evolution. This is combined with a nearly 2-month review of unresolved baggage from the past that may surface during the Mars retrograde cycle (until February 23). Clearing the past brings you closer to the truth of what you really want in life.
Until mid-June, you are likely to feel pushed and pulled in different directions as you find a new way forward. Then with Jupiter’s ingress to Cancer (June 10 – July 1, 2026) you will experience spiritual regeneration which encourages you to find out more about the mysteries of life, death and rebirth. It is a great time to study the occult and magickal.
Capricorn: The year starts with Mars retrograding through your relationship sector (January 6 – February 23) stirring your emotional defences and needs for security around home and family. This call for introspection and reflection continues from March 2 until April 12 when Venus starts her retrograde dance at the bottom of your solar chart, initiating a process of re-valuation what ‘home’ means to you.
Saturn, the taskmaster of reality, resumes this process of inner re-working when he enters Aries during May 25 until September 1 and then again from February 2026 – April 2028. This Saturn cycle is helpful for exploring your past and finding a deeper understanding of who you are to build stronger foundations in the future.
Aquarius: Pluto, planet of regeneration, is now firmly placed in your sun sign for the next 2 decades initiating a process of self-discovery. This may involve a confrontation with your shadow as you become more aware of hidden motivations and compulsions. Pluto is opposed by Mars on January 3 and April 27 possibly confronting you with feelings that need to be embraced and healed.
Uranus, planet of revolution and radical ideas, enters Gemini on July 8 through to November 9 generating a new flow of creativity. Uranus will return to Gemini in April 2026 and remain until 2032 accelerating your personal evolution and challenging limitations, self-imposed or otherwise. As your worldview is in a process of transformation, explore different subjects and philosophies and train your brain to be open-minded.
Pisces: There is a shift in energy for Pisceans when Saturn and Neptune are leaving your sign during 2025/2026. Neptune enters Aries already during March 31- October 23, and Saturn follows from May 25 – September 1. You may feel as if a burden is lifted off your shoulders. Both planets will have finalised their cycle in Pisces by February 2026.
2025 is a transition and testing-out year, when you can finalise one chapter and start opening a new one. The entry of the lunar North Node in Pisces on January 12 starts an 18-month shift in focus and encourages an emphasis on your personal growth. You may feel a push to nourishing your soul more and letting go of the need to struggle.
Navigation by the Stars: Personal and/or Relationship Astrology; Life Cycles and Your Year Ahead Transits: Plans, Directions, Concerns for 2025-2026; in person or online consultations;
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“The Astrology of 2025: Crossing The Threshold
Key Transits, Alignments, Ingresses”
February 8, 2025, 10 am – 4 pm
Lillifield Community Centre
Information and Registration: 0457903957 or