Astro-forecast for May 2024

Astro-forecast for May 2024

“The Core of Matters”
by Gery Mews

May begins with Pluto stationing retrograde in future-oriented Aquarius (May 3). It marks the start of a five-month journey into the mythic underworld, challenging and metamorphosing old power structures and ideologies especially in connection with claims of ownership and our relationship with the material world. The question is which ideas and worldviews will play a role in the future, whereby the current events and experiences can be seen as the first chapter of a story that will continue to unfold at the beginning of 2025 and beyond.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that perfected on April 21st has been seeding new openings and opportunities in technology and science but has also set new impulses in our social relationships. Feelings of freedom, justice and the right to self-determination have been emphasised. The 14-year cycle of Jupiter and Uranus carries the potential of fresh insights that expand worldviews beyond the known and familiar. We are invited to change routines and do things in a different way such challenging habits and comfort zones that prevent us from reaching towards new horizons. Uranus is the planet of innovation, invention, liberation and revolution while Jupiter magnifies the energies of Uranus, adding optimism and excellence to the mix. Sudden leaps in thought that occur during this time might not be recognised until much later for their significance. In the cycle, conjunctions are times of seeding and symbolise the beginning of something new. Over the coming months we may witness the breaking and shattering of old viewpoints and stagnant belief systems. This means that for each one of us there is the opportunity of finding new ways, of making steps into a still unknown direction. It doesn’t have to be big and extraordinary; it can just be a simple reordering of how we used to do things or thought about something.

The Taurus New Moon on May 8 occurs near electrifying Uranus, the cosmic awakener, while still in orb with far-sighted Jupiter. New Moons are great for seeding ideas and birthing new incentives. This New Moon activates the many potentials and surprises of the recent Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (April 21), as the world is finding itself in a major crisis of consciousness; however, surprising resolutions of problems are always possible. We can influence the future with our thoughts and feelings. Ancient wisdom tells us not to focus too much on negative events but to bring beauty, peace and love into our lives. Doors open in unexpected directions. We might suddenly experience an inner shift and completely change our perception of what we perceived as possible. On a practical level, this includes our relationship to resources such as the food we eat, or the way we deal with finances or just by transforming our shopping habits.

Taurus is an earth sign associated with values and resources on all levels, may they be spiritual, emotional or physical. Farming for example is a very Taurean tradition. Under the liberating frequencies of Jupiter and Uranus conjoint in Taurus, we have witnessed farmers all over the planet fighting the system and dictates from the top. In Australia, they are liberating themselves from the dictate of the supermarkets creating new channels for trade and exchange to move away from a dysfunctional centralised system. Also, the local ‘Save Wallum’ movement has had its first successes with contractors withdrawing from the proposed development site.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23 is opposite the Sun in Gemini and a Venus-Jupiter conjunction in the last degree of Taurus. Sagittarius seeks freedom, adventure and expansion while Taurus needs stability and consistency. The once-every-year alignment between Venus and Jupiter, the two benefics of the solar system, is associated with feelings of happiness and supportive relationships. Being entwined with the Full Moon and on the last degree of Taurus adds a sense of destiny and urgency. A new awareness about our needs, beliefs and values may open different possibilities of relating and creative activities. Jupiter enters Gemini on May 26 and remains until June 10, 2025. The focusshifts and themes about communication, social media, data gathering, AI, education and trade will be in the spotlight. Using the Jupiter-in-Gemini period positively, we could embrace new ideas and study subjects that expand the mind. Gemini likes to explore topics without having all the answers and can change points of view. The shadow side of Jupiter in Gemini are intolerance overestimation and a lack of ethics

Aries: The vibes of the new Moon on May 8 are perfect for setting new intentions and envisioning the future. Mars, the planet of drive and activity, travels through your sun sign until June 10, providing you with extra courage and energy. Nevertheless, think before you leap and apply conscientious risk taking.

Taurus: This is the beginning of your new yearly solar cycle. The New Moon on May 8 is particularly supportive in setting intentions for the year. New directions may open suddenly, and you might choose adventure over security and excitement over routine.  Venus is in your Sun sign until May 24 bringing a fresh sense of beauty and joy into your life.

Gemini: There are fortunate times ahead for Gemini as Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, enters the sign of the twins on May 26th, remaining until June 10, 2025. It is a journey into new territory with expanding networks and areas of communication. Nevertheless, during August and December you will be challenged to make a choice between the past or the future.

Cancer: You can use the energies of the New Moon on May 8 for setting fresh goals and connecting with different kinds of people, or even being inspired towards social activism. You want to let your voice be heard or take on a leading position. On the other hand, you might feel that some groups or friendships do not align anymore with your goals.

Leo: The current liberating energies could drive you into a new direction as doors are opening unexpectedly. This may be a sudden change in your career path or your life direction. You might feel rebellious against too many restrictions and regulations that curb your sense of freedom and individuality, initiating a desire to engage in social reform.

 Virgo: The liberating energies of the moment might revolutionise your beliefs and value system. This is a good time for opening to new horizons in search for different perspectives, re-defining what is meaningful to you. The focus is on the future and new possibilities. You may be dreaming and seeding new projects that are waiting to be manifested in the months to come.

Libra: One of the keywords for the current cosmic influences is ‘liberation’, feeling free to walk your individual path. With Mars transiting your solar house of relationships, ego conflicts or adversaries could be a possibility. If this is the case, keep in mind that the outer world only reflects your own inner need for more space and freedom.

Scorpio: The vibes of the New Moon on May 8 are perfect for initiating changes in your relationships. You or your partner might need more space and freedom for your individual development. Loyalties are shifting into a new direction allowing for freshness and more inspiring interactions. The status quo is under review.

Sagittarius: The liberating energies of the New Moon on May 8 might be the start of changes to the daily routine. You might feel a growing need for more space and freedom to experiment with inspiring new activities. Some responsibilities might have to be taken off the list so that you can follow your inner calling more strongly.

Capricorn: This is the time to break free from too many restrictions and connect with your creative potential. Finding out what makes you feel happy is part of this journey. It is a good time to experiment with different ways of self-expression and new creative projects. The challenge is to find the right balance between taking risks and being realistic about available resources.

Aquarius: The energies of the New Moon on May 8 might trigger a long felt need for making changes in the home environment or even revolutionising your inner life and emotional reality. A new beginning is possible, may it be in relation to your place of locality, the structures of your home, or inner habits that hinder your further growth.

Pisces: The liberating energies of the New Moon on May 8 could revolutionsie your thinking and ways of communicating. You may experience an inner shift, a new awareness about your needs and values that could open the door for new creative activities. Or you might feel inspired to enter a new study course or do a workshop that challenges your beliefs and perception. Just go for it!

Navigation by the Stars: Personal and/or Relationship Astrology; Life Cycles and Your Year Ahead Transits: Plans, Directions, Concerns for 2024-2025/6; in person or online consultations;
mobile: 0457903957 e-mail;
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