“Cool Dreaming”
art work by Gery Mews
Astrology Forecast for 2023:
Endings and New Beginnings
We are in the midst of a major paradigm shift signified by the larger planetary cycles and their movements. From 2023 until 2025/6 all outer planets will have changed signs calling in a new world era. During 2023 we will write a new page in history when Pluto dips into Aquarius during March – June for the first time since the late 1800’s. Pluto’s passage through Aquarius will reshape human relationships on a fundamental level. Until the end of 2024, the Lord of the Underworld is still finalising his journey through the last degrees of Capricorn before he permanently settles in Aquarius for the next two decades. It marks the end of an era that began in 2008, with Pluto’s ingress into Capricorn. Political and economic systems all around the globe have been challenged since then. The last three years especially have brought into the open many deep-seated tensions between governments and those governed as we are witnessing the deconstruction of our shared reality while trying to find new ground in an ever-changing environment. This process of dissolution will continue once Saturn enters the fluid realm of Pisces in early March. We might step into a period of grieving for a lost era, but also may have the opportunity to envisage and participate in co-creating a new future together. Jupiter switches from Aries to Taurus on May 17th inviting us to grow some of the seed ideas that have recently inspired us into practical form.
All planets are in forward motion from January 19th until May 1st when we can start stepping towards the future. However, Mars in Gemini is retrograde until January 12th and Mercury in Capricorn is retrograde until January 19th signifying a slow start into 2023. The first 3 weeks of January may be best used for reflection and integrating all the changes that we have been experiencing over the last years.
Saturn in Pisces: Dissolution of Old Structures7 March 2023 – 14 February 2026Saturn is in its own domicile of Aquarius until March 8th, and then will ingress into Pisces, where the planet signifying the material reality will be co-present with elusive Neptune. On February 21st, 2026 they will form a conjunction on zero degree Aries. Both Saturn and Neptune are in the end-phase of their 36-year synodic cycle that began in 1989 and at the same time prepare for a new beginning. Their combined journey through the most mysterious sign of the zodiac may herald a period of spiritual awakening and a strengthening of qualities such as empathy and compassion for others. Pisces is a dual sign signifying extreme highs and lows. On the other hand, during these next three years fears of uncertainty may increase giving rise to new ideologies and religions, polarising societies and nations and further dissolving the boundaries between fact and fiction, truth and deception. On a material and political level, Saturn in Pisces will erode and undermine the structures that have been deteriorating since 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn. While Saturn, the planet of time and necessity, is transiting the most visionary sign in the zodiac, we may ask the soul-searching question what reality after all is and how is it defined? Pisces is imaginative and likes to dream and Saturn can be helpful with manifesting these dreams. However, let’s be prepared that dreams and beliefs will be tested for their validity. On a mundane level, Saturn in Pisces correlates with public health issues, epidemics, climate change and the declining state of the oceans, themes of mental health and the use of psychedelics, world service and world healing as well as new developments in music, films and the arts.
Pluto in Aquarius: The Reshaping of Human Relationships and Revaluation of all Values
23 March – 11 June 2023; 21 Jan 2024 – 1 Sept 2024; 19 Nov 2024 – 19 Jan 2044
Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius on March 23 signals the end of history as we know it. Pluto is a collective planet such as Uranus and Neptune and signifies the archetypal Lord of the Underworld, the Shivaitic principle of death, destruction and rebirth. Pluto has been passing through Capricorn since 2008 and is now slowly but surely transiting to Aquarius between March 2023 and November 2024. Then Pluto will finally settle for the next two decades in the sign of the mythical Cupbearer who fertilises our minds with fresh ideas. During March – June 2023 we will gain the first insights how this astrological influence will manifest in global affairs. Aquarius is an air sign associated with the ability to think objectively detached from too much emotional interference. It signifies the use of individual free will, the innate ’Divine Revolutionary’, who wants to renew, improve and transform society based on fresh discoveries, humanitarian ideas and technological advances. Aquarius has two ruling planets, traditionally Saturn and in modern times Uranus. At its best, Pluto in Aquarius invokes self-responsibility, self-determination, the freedom to experiment and the desire to serve and contribute to humanity at large. Aquarius is a human sign, ruled by Saturn and Uranus, and concerns itself with the plight of the common man, emphasising the many over a selected few.
The last round of Pluto through Aquarius was during 1777 – 1797, the Age of Enlightenment and the French Revolution. The US Constitution was established in 1787, followed by the Bill of Rights in 1789. Ideas such as liberty, progress, equality, fraternity, and constitutional government were birthed. The French Revolution started in 1789 with the overthrow of the monarchy, the abolition of the feudal system and the declaration of the ‘Rights of Man’. It was a period of many wars but also scientific inventions and revolutionising social reforms and social justice. This time around, we may witness changes in the way we live as we move deeper into an era of advanced technology, AI, space colonisation as well as digital currencies. We may have to defend against all-pervasive models of digitilisation to safeguard our individual freedom and humanity. As we transition from Earth (Capricorn) to Air (Aquarius) the possibilities for the future are limitless. It is up to us to consciously participate in co-creating this next chapter of our collective evolution and the revaluation of all values.
Jupiter in Taurus: Consolidation 11 May 2023 – 26 May 2024
Jupiter rushes through fiery and pioneering Aries, the sign of new beginnings. On May 17th, the largest planet of our solar system shifts from fire to earth and enters stabilising Taurus. Jupiter is the planet of good luck and good fortune and once Jupiter reaches Taurus we will enter a phase of consolidation with new opportunities of material growth. Whatever has been explored while Jupiter was in Aries and proves worthwhile to maintain can be put onto firm ground now. This is the year to focus on expanding the abundance in our lives. Jupiter will be forming a square aspect with Pluto in Aquarius, exact on May 21st. The last 2 weeks of May might offer unexpected openings for regeneration and revolutionary changes. Nevertheless, Jupiter in Taurus is peace loving and wants us to walk the noble path with determination and strength. This way we will eventually reach our destination. Jupiter may also remind us to maintain a healthy body and a healthy mind, to treat ourselves and others well and give gratitude to Mother Earth and her riches so that we continue to receive her blessings.
Venus Retrograde in Leo: Revision & Adjustment of Values
23 July – 4 September
Venus, planet of love and beauty, turns retrograde once every 18 months when she shifts from evening to morning star. She draws her magic pentagram in the skies over an 8-year period. Venus returns to the same retrograde cycle every 8 years. So, last time Venus was performing her retrograde loop in Leo was during August 2015. While Venus is retrograde, we will revise and reflect on our relationships, ponder on what we value and how to spend our resources best. We might revisit relationship challenges that came up for us the last time Venus was retrograde in Leo. What has changed since then? Venus retrograde will be forming a square aspect with Jupiter in Taurus during the second half of August initiating a period of re-evaluating our finances and adjusting priorities. It is not the best time for making new purchases or speculation. It may not pay off the way we are expecting it.
Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra: The Art of Relating
18 July 2023 – 12 January 2025
The lunar nodes shift from the money signs Taurus-Scorpio to the relationship signs Aries and Libra on July 18th. They will remain on this axis until January 12th 2025. Challenges will shift from concerns with resources, energy, food supply and the economy (Taurus-Scorpio) to the right way of relating. Aries is about one’s individual identity and independence while Libra is about collaboration. The evolutionary intent on the Aries-Libra axis lies in developing autonomy as well as cooperation within relationships.
With the lunar North Node in pioneering Aries, we can expect more ground-breaking innovations. Historically, this nodal cycle has coincided with major discoveries, including the dwarf planet Eris which was transiting through Aries when encountered first time on January 5, 2005. Originally considered a tenth planet, Eris was named after the goddess of discourse and strife, sister of the war god Ares/Mars and ruler of the sign Aries. Pluto will be squaring the Lunar nodes for most of the year and will be exact at the nodal axis between 23rd – 29th of July. It indicates that 2023 may be the year for changing our programming, for undergoing a psychic reset which requires sorting through our thoughts, feelings and material possessions and eliminating what has to go. Pluto squaring the nodes in Aries and Libra can also indicate the need for working through power imbalances in our relationship dynamics.
Mercury Retrogrades in Earth signs
During 2023, Mercury will emphasise the Earth signs where the messenger planet will spend a lot of its time, starting with retracing its steps in Capricorn until January 19. We are asked to slow down, rest, plan well and re-examine our relationship with the Mother Earth. Much of 2023 is about getting in tune with the practical realm of living. Mercury will be retrograde in Taurus from 20 April – 15 May when we might spend time reviewing our relationship with food, money and nourishment on all levels as well as the building of strong foundations. Then from 23 August until 15 September Mercury will be retrograde in Virgo inviting us to develop greater efficiency and reflect on our dietary and health requirements. On December 15th, Mercury shifts its retrograde cycles from Earth to Fire when backing into the big picture sign Sagittarius and preparing us for the next year ahead.
Aries: Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion, will be in your Sun sign until May 17th inspiring you to explore new parts of your identity initiating a new 12-year cycle. Jupiter was already in Aries during 11 May and 28 October 2022. Whatever you have started then can be brought forward once Mars and Mercury are direct again. Mars, planet of action and drive, ends his nearly 3-month retrograde cycle on January 12th. Mercury turns direct on January 19th ending a time of reflection on career goals and life direction. Jupiter shifts into Taurus from 17 May to 26 May 2024 when you start receiving the benefits from your activities. Overall, 2023 is a year of consolidation and being in tune with the pragmatic side of living.
Taurus: If 2022 was a year of disruptions to routine including financial struggles, you may like to hear that Jupiter, the planet of good fortune will be journeying through your Sun sign from 17 May to 26 May 2024. Take advantage of opportunities of personal growth when they emerge later in the year. Saturn, the hard taskmaster, leaves your career house on March 7th not to return for another 29 years. You may have reached the peak of your career ambitions during the last 2-3 years and now might be looking forward to more freedom and time for play. When Pluto dips into Aquarius during March 23rd and June 11th you will notice a shift. During 2023 you may want to rethink your self-image, identity and life purpose.
Gemini: Action planet Mars, will continue his extended journey through Gemini until March 26th and in forward motion from January 12th. While Mercury is retrograde until January 19th, the time until then is best used for reflection. Moving forward will be easier from the last week of January. When Saturn enters your solar 10th house of career and public standing you are urged to evaluate your future goals based on past achievements. Changes in life direction are possible during the next 2-3 years as part of this process. Friendships are emphasised during this year and you are likely to make new friends or become part of new networks. Helping others and working for social causes might become more important and will enrich your relationships with new meaning and purpose.
Cancer: The journey into an uncertain future continues and you are getting used to it! The need for freedom and new adventures is growing stronger. With Saturn entering Pisces on March 7th, you are stepping into a 2–3-year period of evaluating your ideals and spiritual goals. Know what you want to be working towards. An emphasis on creativity might be the missing ingredient for making the transition into the next phase. Jupiter is in your Solar 10th house of career and life direction until May 17th offering fresh opportunities in this area if you are ready to move towards something big. New beginnings are possible especially around April 20th. Mars moving into Cancer on March 26th will bring fresh energy and incentives (until May 21st).
Leo: With Saturn moving into Pisces, some of the pressure that you have been experiencing during the last 2 years is easing. The emphasis shifts toward deepening your relationships and using your creativity for crafting the right balance between giving and taking. With Pluto dipping into your relationship sector between March 23rd and June 11th the focus will be on equally shared responsibilities. Less control and more freedom is crucial for moving forward. Venus, planet of love and beauty, will be retrograde in Leo during July 23rd and September 4th, further initiating a time of review and reflection on values and needs. Last time Venus was performing her retrograde loop in Leo was during August 2015. Relationship issues from that time might return to be looked at again.
Virgo: Since the end of October you might have entered a process of re-organising and pondering about your life’s goals and purpose. You can move forward with your plans once Mars and Mercury are direct again from January 19th onwards. Relationships might become more of an issue when Saturn enters your solar 7th house on March 7thinitiating a 2-3 year process of testing the strength of your bond and level of commitment to one another. More freedom and less stress becomes your mantra when Pluto moves in and out of Aquarius between 23 March and 11 June. This process will continue in 2024. New opportunities are opening from mid-May until the end of May 2024 through studies or travel that further your spiritual development.
Libra: Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, offers fresh opportunities in your personal, professional and financial relationships until the end of 2024. This coincides with a 18-month period of self-assessment starting on July 19th when you are seeking clarity about your priorities and true values. You will be required to let go of indecisiveness when Mars transits your Sun sign during August 28th – October 13th. Conflict cannot be avoided since you might have to make important decisions. However you will find out more about your automatic response pattern and what motivates you on a deeper level. Friendships and social connections are under review when Venus will be retrograde during July 23rd – September 4th. It is the end of an 8-year cycle followed by a new beginning.
Scorpio: A nearly 3-month phase of re-considering your work commitments and daily routine is ending on January 12. You can start putting your plans into action once Mercury is direct again after January 19th. Early March brings a shift in responsibilities when the pressure building strong foundations at home eases. For the next 2-3 years your children and their education are the focus of your attention as well as finding more time for your own creative activities. During March 23rd and June 11th, you may be dealing with some old family secrets. A powerful lunar eclipse on May 5 might prepare the path for ancestral clearing and healing work. During July 23rd – September 4th a process of re-evaluating your life direction and career goals might propel your life into a new direction.
Sagittarius: Once Mars has ended his 2 ½ month retrograde cycle on January 12th you might have gained more clarity about your personal and professional relationships. While Jupiter journeys through fiery Aries new opportunities for creative outlets, love and romance, as well as fun times with children could bless your life until May 17th.Then the energy shifts towards grounding, manifesting and perfecting the many inspirations that you have received with a more serious work routine. This process is supported by Saturn moving into your solar 4th house of home and family on March 7th for the next 2-3 years starting a new cycle of domestic responsibilities. The ongoing task of establishing a satisfying balance between your personal and collective goals will remain a vital part of your concerns until early 2025.
Capricorn: The year starts with Mercury 1st retrograde cycle through your Sun sign. Use the time until January 19th for reflecting on your goals and plans for the future while observing yourself as an individual with changing needs and values. A major shift of focus occurs on July 18th lasting until January 12th, 2025, when the Lunar Nodes are transiting your solar 4th and 10th houses. The emphasis moves away from career goals and your public responsibilities
providing you with more time and energy for family life and domestic concerns. More time spent at home can bring new growth on an emotional level which then will benefit your entire existence. It is a year for stressing less and getting in contact with the essentials of what makes you happy.
Aquarius: There are big times of personal evolution ahead for Aquarians in the years to come. You will get the first impressions during March 23rd – June 11th when Pluto enters Aquarius first time. Saturn, the hard task master of reality, is leaving Aquarius and transitions into Pisces on March 7th. Changes to your livelihood can be expected forcing you to get organised about your financial reality. Jupiter enters Taurus on May 17th and brings new opportunities of growth and expansion especially around your home and family. Your intimate relationships are in the spotlight when Mars moves through Leo during May 21st and July 11th followed by Venus who will journey through Leo from June 6th until October 10th. When Venus is retrograde during July 23rd – September 4th you will revise and reflect on your relationships trying to find more clarity = The last time Venus was performing her retrograde loop in Leo was during August 2015.
Pisces: When Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7th, you are entering a nearly 3-year phase of personality building and testing. You may have to shoulder new responsibilities forcing you to master different aspects of yourself that have laid dormant until then. With Jupiter journeying through Aries until May 17th you could be lucky with improving your finances and livelihood. Challenges may arrive from your social contacts and relationships which require some reflection and re-writing of contracts especially during August-September. Until March 26th a lot of your energy is tight up with your home and family life. An 11-week period of reorganisation of how to apply your energy more effectively ends on January 12th and you will be able to move forward once you have decided on a worthwhile project.
Navigation by the Stars for 2023: Plans, Directions, Concerns for 2023; contact Tina on 0457903957; in person, zoom or skype consultations; e-mail; Gift vouchers available!
“The Astrology of 2023 and beyond”; January 28th, 2023, 10 am – 4 pm
Lillifield Community Centre, 4505 Kyogle Rd, Wadeville 2474
All welcome!
Information and Registration: 0457903957 or